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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog Post #3: Protagonist review

            The book I'm reading is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey.The book takes place in a mental ward at a hospital, and most of the characters are insane.This makes it really hard to understand what's going on in the story, because you don't know whether or not to trust what the main character says is going on. For example, he said that sometimes the "big nurse" (the antagonist) turns off the clock and time freezes for days at a time. This makes me think that maybe he has some sort of thing where his mind spaces out and he feels time passing really slowly.
            Besides the fact that he is insane, I think the main character is really smart. The other patients call him deaf and dumb because he never speaks or responds to what someone says. I think that the reason he never talks is because he is such a good observer. It is a really cool POV in the book because he is so rarely involved in what's going on that you forget that it's a first person style book instead of third person. He just watches.
            The most recent thing I was reading is when the main character skips taking his bedtime pill that the staff gives them. He thinks this is something to make the patients sleep and not be woken by anything. While he is awake in bed the room is lowered down into a room full of lifeless workers in some strange facility. I'm sure that this is another one of his fantasies, but maybe it is going to become a symbol or metaphor later on.
           I really like this book so far and the narrorators observance is a really intruiging way of getting the story through.

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