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Thursday, November 3, 2011

What really hard things are happening in "Shades of Grey"?

            In "Shades of Grey", the main character, Eddie, is leaving the soft and "normal" life he has always known to go to a new town. This book actually has a lot of social justice going on. People are ranked by what colors they can see. Certain people are simply better than others, with greys at the bottom. This is racism and it shows throughout the whole book. Eddie is starting to realize that there is something wrong with the way that people treat each other.
            I think that the characters are going through some really hard things. They have to face the fact that certain people are better or worse than them based on their color, and they are not supposed to be friends. I think that Eddie is starting to understand why Jane is so mad at everything and realize that he isn't happy with the way the world is. I haven't read much of the book yet but I know it will turn out to have a really deep and serious look at the issues of racism and prejudice.
            This book directly relates to people being treated differently based on how they look, what they believe, or who they love. When I first started reading the book I was really disturbed by how vividly and literally these issues were portrayed. I think it's a really strong book so far and I really like it.

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