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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Really interesting viewpoints in "The Help"

In The Help, you get the viewpoint of two diFferent sides of the beginning of the civil rights movement. I think that Skeeter, the white woman who wants to write a book about the life of working as an African American maid, was put into the story because she goes through sort of comig of age, or loss of innocence. At first she had no idea at all how powerless the help was against their employers.she also had no idea of the danger she was putting all the maids who helped her in.

Aibileen, the first maid that Skeeter worked with, is the wiseman character in this book. She knows that she is risking her life but she wants to help Skeeter write her book because she wants her story to be heard. Aibileen has such a great knowledge of everything that she seems to be able to calm people. Her viewpoint is that the white people of Jackson are the enemy. This is true to her, excepting Skeeter. Aibileen understood that Skeeter wasn't racist and that Her intentions were good.

Another character who was a maid, Minny, helped Skeeter write her book as well. Minny had a very reluctant attitude towards helping because she didn't quite trust Skeeter. Minny had done something evil to Ms. Hilly, who is pretty evil herself, and since then Ms. Hilly Had been spreading bad romors about her. Minny's viewpoint is from the extremely prejudice against anyone who wasn't the same race as her.

In The Help, there are a lot of different viewpoints and I think that it really shows what life was like for everyone living in the south during segregation. There was extreme racism and some of it was just the way that people were raised. A lot of people just didn't think there could be any other way to go around life.


  1. I really like this blog post. It gives good background information about the time period and the story that is crucial for the understanding of his story. Also, in your blog post you talk about the relationships between all of the main characters and that was a good idea to show how the characters feel and what they actually think. Great job!!!!!

  2. I'm reading the book right now, and I agree with what you say about the different character's viewpoints, and relationships. I also like how you point out that for Skeeter it's a sort of coming of age story, I hadn't realized that yet, but I definitely agree. Good post!
