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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Strong Character traits in The Help

There are a lot of strong characters in The Help. The three main characters, Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter, all are very complex and have a variety of different traits. Aibileen is so full of love for the white children she raises, she is kind and caring to everyone she knows, (Except the racist women who they work for) and she has so much hope and belief that the world will change. Minny is incredibly tough and resilient. She can stand through being beaten and disrespected by her husband and working for a crazy woman just to feed her children. She also has such rigid beliefs that her story needs to be heard. Skeeter has a determination to be a published author and she is not ashamed of pushing through to get there.

Aibileen is one of the most loving characters I have ever seen in a book. She tells people that she has seventeen children because she had one of her own and raised 16 white children in households she worked for. She loved all those kids like they were her own because she had lost her own son, who had been extremely loving himself. Aibileen also was really kind to her friends and neighbors. She put people in her prayers and made sure everyone was doing well. She also had a feeling deep inside her, that didn't really show much in the book, but I think I noticed it a few times. I think Aibileen knew that there was going to be a time soon when everyone could live together and not be segregated by the color of their skin. When she raised all those white babies she risked her job by teaching them that everyone was really the same, even though some were dark and some light.

Minny was also a really strong character. Minny worked very hard, despite an abusive husband, to feed a family of five children. She was extremely brave and not afraid to tell people her mind. Minny was important towards creating the book because she had the will to have her story heard that was so necessary because everyone working on it was afraid of the possible consequences if they got caught. Minny made them remember that there was a reason to what they were doing.

Skeeter is the final character I'm writing about. She is just a girl but she has dreams of being a writer and she, unlike pretty much the entire white population of Mississippi, knows that segregation is wrong. She is determined enough to try and tell people what it's like to be a colored maid. She is selfless enough that she is writing down things about her family and friends that completely disgrace them. (Anonymously of course) Skeeter had a vision and she made it real.


  1. I liked how you did things that we learned from 7th grade and incorporated it into your reading, like keeping track of themes of specific things in general. I like how you use your own opinions of the characters in many different ways, their feelings etc..

  2. I'm reading The Help right now too, and I agree that the three main characters in The Help have very strong personalities. I also agree that one thing they all share is how they have hope that the future will one day be different; especially Abileen. I also think that Abileen shows her strength as a character by still being able to love and care for Mae Mobley, when her own son has died. Good post!
